get a haircut xD hahah don't be lazy! i actually watched this video just to see if you cut ur hair! i see u're lazy :p! nice cover by the way
Tuesday, 31 May 2011 Perfect Two Freeverse
Cheeseballs here. Again. Cause apparently my last post was too short for people's likings. WELL I'M SORRY I DONT LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS! Anyways, I saw this song, 1:05 long only, so I allow you to procrastinate for 1:05 minutes. I saw the lyrics of this song on someone's blog and I looked it up on youtube, and at first, it just showed this: Try it now. mind = blown. ok, maybe not blown, but amazed. asian-guy-who-needs-a-haircut can actually rap. he's great. plain awesomeness. Here are the lyrics, listen to the song, and enjoy. Together we can be the perfect two, you know a duo When we play Yu-Gi-Oh, we'd have our tag-team duels We can be inseparable like Cosmo and Wanda, Mickey and Minnie, Shrek and Fiona We can even have our own little fairytales, Maybe not like the ones that Disney movies entail So no fantasies, villains or castles I'm afraid But I'll treat you like a princess still with many things homemade So don't worry cause we'll still have those sweet moments That we'll never forget unlike the table of elements Or maybe that's just cause I was never good at Chemistry Hoping that will change at least in terms of you and me Truth be told, I just want to be with you for infinity Don't think about the affinity cause simply we were meant to be Grateful for that day where we met and just happened to fall For each other, no doubt, no questions at all Here's his channel: Kinoshu's Channel He's pretty good. for an asian. even though he needs a haircut.
LOL. comments. Anyways, my procrastination time is up. I must go and do my eng that is due tomorrow and Jap listening test and Math C homework and study study study. Interesting Note: You know, I've always thought procrastiation was spelt like this: procastination. cause people always say pro-ca-sti-na-tion. didnt know it had an 'r' between c and a. procRastination. bad. -STORY OF MY LIFE- |